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Hot Flushes and Blood Pressure, what’s the connection?

Hot Flashes and Blood Pressure

Is there a significant connection between Hot Flushes and Blood Pressure ?

Did you know that the hormonal shifts during menopause can send your blood pressure on a sudden spike ? It is common for Blood Pressure to spike up after a menopausal episode,  and experts believe that it is due to the change in hormonal levels that cause this sudden surge to rise up along with Body Mass Index commonly known as BMI taking the blame.

During menopause, hormonal shifts may contribute to weight gain and increased sensitivity of hypertension to dietary salt intake. Consequently, blood pressure levels may rise. Additionally, certain hormone therapy treatments for menopause could potentially level up this effect, leading to elevated blood pressure. Understanding these hormonal dynamics is essential for managing menopausal symptoms and promoting overall cardiovascular health.  

There’s an interesting finding that was unveiled through research which says “A study investigating the potential link between hot flushes and hypertension revealed that women experiencing frequent hot flushes tended to have significantly elevated systolic blood pressure compared to the average”. 

The correlation was notable enough that researchers could predict rises in systolic numbers based on the frequency of hot flushes. Systolic blood pressure refers to the “top” number in a blood pressure reading, indicating the pressure in arteries during heart contractions. This finding sheds light on the potential impact of hot flushes on cardiovascular health. 

In a separate study, researchers investigated the use of hypertension medications that inhibit hormones to alleviate hot flushes in breast cancer patients. The findings showed a substantial decrease in hot flash frequency, ranging from 40 to 80 percent. However, participants expressed concerns about potential side effects associated with using over the counter hypertension drugs for hot flush relief. Further research is needed to evaluate the long-term safety and effectiveness of this approach in managing hot flushes during breast cancer treatment.

Is this really about stress ? Exploring the connection between hot flushes and stress.

Do these studies suggest that Hot Flushes ultimately lead to hypertension ?  

Technically No!

there are numerous factors can contribute to elevated systolic blood pressure, but a compelling theory suggests a parallel with hot flushes which is shocking to know: both may stem from heightened central sympathetic nerve activity which aligns with the activation of the fight-or-flight response by this part of the nervous system during stress. 

Consequently, perimenopausal and menopausal women, often experiencing chronic stress, may observe natural consequences in the form of hot flushes and increased blood pressure. These interconnected issues potentially share a common origin, highlighting the importance of stress management in addressing menopausal symptoms and cardiovascular health.

Here’s another aspect to ponder, both hot flushes and hyper tension can lead to facial flushing. the sudden reddening of the face due to increased blood flow, often triggered by factors such as stress, heat, or hormonal changes. However, facial flushing can be triggered by numerous other factors that unequivocally raise blood pressure, including exposure to high temperatures, hot water, alcohol consumption, physical activity, and, once more, stress. This suggests that women might attribute their hot flushes to high blood pressure, when in reality, the blood pressure increase may be caused by other simultaneous events occurring alongside the hot flash.

While hot flushes may be unpleasant, they don’t heighten your risk for disease. However, the situation changes when it comes to blood pressure, especially after menopause. Elevated blood pressure raises your susceptibility to cardiovascular issues. To maintain a healthy heart and prevent hypertension, focus on adopting a balanced diet, reducing alcohol intake, minimising salt consumption, and engaging in regular aerobic exercise. These lifestyle choices play a crucial role in safeguarding your cardiovascular health as you navigate through menopause and beyond.





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