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What Doctors Dont Know About Menopause


Menopause, the natural ceasing of menstrual cycles in women typically occuring around the age of 45 to 55, presents a multitude of symptoms ranging from hot flashes to mood changes. Despite its universality, the experience of menopause varies greatly among individuals. 

In the UK alone, there are approximately 13 Million  menopausal women, with a significant portion still active in the workforce. As the first point of contact for many women experiencing menopausal symptoms, General Practitioners (GPs) play a crucial role in providing support and guidance during this transitional phase.

Current Challenges in Menopause Care

Recent findings from a survey conducted among General Practitioners in the UK shed light on concerning significant gaps in the menopause care. Over half of the respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the training and support they received regarding menopausal symptoms during their medical education. Despite the prevalence of menopause-related issues, many GPs reported a lack of confidence in managing patients experiencing these symptoms.

The survey also revealed that while there are guidelines provided by organizations such as the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), a considerable portion of GPs find them difficult to implement in practice. Additionally, the limited number of recognized menopause specialists in the UK further amplify the challenge of accessing comprehensive menopause care.

Insights from GPs and the Need for Improvement:

Semi-structured interviews with participating GPs highlighted the stark reality of insufficient training in menopause care. Many GPs reported a complete absence of formal education on menopause during their medical training. Despite this, the majority of respondents expressed a willingness to enhance their knowledge through additional resources and courses, such as those provided by the British Menopause Society and the Royal College of General Practitioners.

Proposed Solutions

Recognizing the urgent need for improvement, several potential solutions have been suggested. One key recommendation is the inclusion of mandatory menopause training in the GP curriculum. While recent updates to the curriculum have addressed this to some extent, there remains a need for ongoing education and support to ensure GPs are adequately equipped to address menopausal issues.

Furthermore, there is a call for increased accessibility to menopause-related continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities. Making such courses mandatory or allocating CPD hours specifically for menopause education could help bridge the gap in knowledge among GPs.


The findings of the survey underscore the critical need for enhanced training and support for GPs in managing menopausal symptoms. With a growing population of menopausal women in the UK, it is imperative that GPs are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide effective care and support during this significant life transition.

Addressing the education gap in menopause care not only benefits women seeking support but also empowers GPs to fulfill their role as trusted healthcare providers. By investing in comprehensive training and ongoing professional development, we can ensure that women receive the quality care and support they deserve during this important phase of their lives.

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