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Hot Flashes and Fatigue

Are you feeling tired? As if there’s no energy left in your body? Even to walk you had to drag yourself? A few steps and the spirit of fatigue just takes over; If you are a woman in her 40s, the first thought that lights up in your mind would be: “Is it the effect of perimenopause?” Don’t worry here’s a detailed overview of what you need to know regarding your situation. 

A huge bunch of women are unaware of the perimenopause stage the four to eight years before periods come to an end. This means when you’re faced with sleepless nights, low energy, and all-round exhaustion, you don’t always realize perimenopause is the reason. 

Perimenopause and menopause are commonly confused, but they signify distinct stages in a woman’s life. Perimenopause refers to the years preceding menopause, characterized by irregular or less frequent periods due to hormonal shifts. Similar to puberty, it’s a natural phase that typically starts in one’s late 30s to 50s. On the other hand, menopause is confirmed when a woman hasn’t menstruated for 12 consecutive months, usually occurring between the ages of 45 and 55.

Many symptoms commonly linked with menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, and brain fog, actually manifest during perimenopause due to hormonal fluctuations. But what about hot flashes? Hot flashes (HFs), defined as transient sensations of heat, sweating, flushing, anxiety, and chills lasting for 1–5 min, constitute one of the most common symptoms of menopause among women though only a few seek treatment for these.

Fatigue is a prevalent issue among perimenopausal women, with almost half (46%) experiencing its effects. Perimenopause fatigue often manifests as extreme tiredness, significantly impacting daily life. This exhaustion can be exacerbated by accompanying symptoms such as night sweats, which disrupt sleep patterns and further contribute to feelings of fatigue. 

What are the reasons that cause fatigue in a menopausal woman?

During the stage of perimenopause, the estrogen levels experience uneven fluctuations, and this has a possibility of leading to symptoms in some women. 

But are these fluctuations the main reason that cause fatigue? A much deeper research is being made in that matter.  But as far as the known facts are concerned, they are connected to Hot Flashes, characterized by a sudden sensation of heat that rises through the chest, neck, and face. Night sweats, occurring during nighttime, can disturb sleep patterns and result in fatigue in the following days. It’s common to experience feelings of exhaustion, with up to 46% of women reporting fatigue.



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